Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Everything I Thought It Could Be
To quote the immortal words of Peter Gibbons from Office Space, "I did nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be." That line pretty much sums up my Memorial Day weekend. For the first time in I-can't-remember-how-long, Ed and I took the day off Monday, and it was fantastic. To say I did nothing is a bit of fiction, but I definitely took it easy. I played an exhausting round of golf with my dad Saturday. I was terrible. I think golf as a hobby becomes more popular with people as they age. If that's the case then I am young -- very young. I just don't enjoy chasing a ball around in the heat for four hours. Maybe it is the simple fact tat I can't cope with being so bad at something athletic. Despite being dog tired after my round of golf (did I mention I ran six miles and spent an hour in the weight room before that?) I still went out Saturday night. I went to dinner with some friends at Tsunami, a first-class sushi bar in downtown Baton Rouge. If you have not been, do yourself a favor and go. It is located on the 6th flood of the brand new Shaw Center on North Blvd. and 3rd Street. It provides an excellent view of the Mississippi River, downtown and LSU, delivering an ambiance unmatched in the city. I spent most of the day Sunday cleaning my house, but I did manage to catch a movie. X-Men 3 was great! It mixed a perfect amount of comedy, action and drama to keep me interested for two hours. It really is no wonder that it took in more than $120 million in its first weekend in theaters. I won't tell you what happens, but I will make a suggestion: stay until the end -- the very end. After all of that, Monday was a much-needed day off. I had planned to get in the editing studio and catch up on a lot of the work I had to do for the show, but I just watched baseball on my new TV and took a three hour nap. It was glorious! I woke up in time to bowl three games and have a few drinks with my best friend who is moving to D.C. Wednesday. Good luck Ben! It is days like Monday that make me want to work exceptionally hard while I am young so I can retire early. Nothing truly is everything I thought it could be! Peace! |