Friday, January 19, 2007


Going Dark

I am giddy! Remember how you felt on Christmas Eve as a 5-year-old when all you wanted to do was go to sleep because you knew that when you woke up Santa would have come and there would be presents to open and toys to play with, but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't keep your eyes closed and kept listening for reindeer on the roof? Well, amplify that by 50,000,000 and that is how I feel right now!

My flight is out of Baton Rouge tomorrow morning at 5:45am. We will land in Chicago around 11 a.m., thus beginning a weekend I have waited for my entire life. The Saints and Bears play Sunday for a chance to go to the Super Bowl. Yes, you read that correctly. I actually used the words "Saints" and "Super Bowl" in the same sentence and nobody thinks it's a joke! Amazing!

The game time forecast is around 30 degrees with the wind chill in the 20s with a 60% chance of snow showers! There has been a lot of talk about the weather this week and how it might affect the Saints. I will admit that I was concerned about it earlier in the week despite my efforts to attempt to calm put others at ease about it. Notice I said "was" concerned. I heard comments by Drew Brees and Deuce McAllister that really cemented what this means.
Brees: "We also had some practices at Purdue where it was zero degrees."
McAllister: "Do you think we are going to let the cold stop us from going to the Super Bowl?"

That really put it in perspective for me. I mean seriously! Friggin cold weather stopping this team from the Super Bowl? Nah! A colossal collapse by Drew Brees? Okay. Reggie Bush coughs it up more times that an aging smoker? Possibly. Sean Payton leaves his menu-sized play card in the hotel room? Might be trouble. The weather? NO WAY! Winners win when it matters most and refuse to be denied and refuse to make excuses. I think the Saints are winners and will leave Chicago with the NFC Championship! Saints 27 Bears 10

Being that I will be in Chicago all weekend and will not be back until 11 p.m. Monday night, I will not write again until Tuesday. But, regardless of how the game goes, I will be sure to take notes and fill you in on the entire trip when I get home.


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